Saturday, January 25, 2014

Today has been a really tough day.
Well actually it's been a really tough week
For some reason I feel useless. That there is no point to my existence.
I know that is untrue because everyone is here for a reason. Or so I've been told anyway.
I'm starting to feel like everyone hates me.

I need a hobby besides cleaning the house every day before I lose what sanity I have left.
I want to go back to college but its to late to register so I have to wait until May when the new semester starts.
I'm currently looking for a job but those are hard to come buy these days.
Wow my week has been pretty crappy.

I just hope next week will be better.

I hope the rest of you have a good weekend.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hi there, I'm Nikki.
Now before I start my blog of my daily adventures let me catch you up to speed.
I was born in Detroit Michigan to five half siblings. Two passed before I was 10.
The others you ask? Well lets just say we don't talk much.. At all.
As I got older my parents separated and from time to time they would try to "resolve" there issues and and give it another go. But, after each try was a miserable failure that effected all of us.
After first grade, my mom gave me to my dad because I "hated" her. Which I'm not gonna call a lie.
(You'll understand why soon)
I lived with my dad from the time I was 6 until I was almost 12. With the occasional disrupment of my mom trying to obtain custody of me because she thought she was a fit parent.
In the that 5 1/2 years I found out that both of my parents were severe alcoholics, my mom was a unfixable drug junkie and did anything she could get her hands on, I also found out that my dad was dying.
My parents also had another thing in common, They were both abusive.
My mom (a.k.a. The Vagina Donor) was the mentally abusive one and my dad was the physical one.
When I was almost 12 I got removed from My home by CPS. (Child Protective Services)
And that is where I resided until I was the age of 18.
When I turned 18 I went on a road trip to Oregon to live with a family friend who treated me exactly like I was her own daughter. But, unfortunately it didn't work out and I had an emotional break down.
So my boyfriend who was still in Phoenix bought me a Greyhound ticket back home. And I am currently residing with him and his family.

I left a lot of the main details out. But, that's what my blog is going to be about. So I can't tell you everything all at once. My purpose is to tell you my story. The story of a young girl with a lot of troubles, with a little bit of hope and optimism, can overcome any obstacle.

Until then, I wish you lovely people a goodnight.

xoxo -Nikki