Saturday, January 25, 2014

Today has been a really tough day.
Well actually it's been a really tough week
For some reason I feel useless. That there is no point to my existence.
I know that is untrue because everyone is here for a reason. Or so I've been told anyway.
I'm starting to feel like everyone hates me.

I need a hobby besides cleaning the house every day before I lose what sanity I have left.
I want to go back to college but its to late to register so I have to wait until May when the new semester starts.
I'm currently looking for a job but those are hard to come buy these days.
Wow my week has been pretty crappy.

I just hope next week will be better.

I hope the rest of you have a good weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I just stumbled on this
    I wish you would keep it going
    I'd read it every day
